Fire Tag Information
Due Delinquent Date: June 10th, 2024 ( a $50.00 service charge will be added if not paid by this date.) When paying fire tags please send dues to: 521 U.S. Highway 61 Bloomsdale, Mo. 63627 When mailing dues, if you would like a receipt please send a stamped self address envelop with your due payment. If you would prefer to drop dues off, there is a drop box located at our Station #1 on the building itself. Do not place due in the mailbox located on Highway 61. Fire tags for the Bloomsdale Volunteer Fire Department are broken up into 5 categories each of which having there own price range they are as follows: Residential Properties: ($100.00 dollars) A residential property shall be defined as less than ten acres with one single family dwelling, a single family rental dwelling on less than ten acres. Also considered residential is more than one single family dwelling or a single family rental on the same property, a fire tag would be required for each dwelling at $100.00 . Farming Properties: ($125.00 dollars) A farming property shall be defined as ten acres or more with one single family dwelling or ten acres or more (unoccupied) used fore agriculture cropland or animal feed lot. More than one single dwelling on the same farm property shall required a fire tag for each dwelling at $125.00 . Commercial property: ($125.00 dollars) A commercial Property shall be defined as any property requiring a business or merchants' license to operate. More than one commercial operation on the same property requiring a business or merchant license to operate shall require a fire tag for each operation at $125.00. Multiple Family: ($125.00 dollars) A multiple Family shall be defined as a rental dwelling with two or more dwellings attached shall be considered commercial, more than one multiple family rental dwelling structure on the same property shall require a fire tag for each dwelling structure at $125.00. Additional Recreational Property: without a dwelling will be $75.00, any other property will have a rate decided by the board. Charges for responding to a fire on a property not covered by a fire tag: $500.00 per hour, plus an applicable fire tag fee, plus a initiation fee of $50.00, plus response fees set by the board in march of 2000. |